HOME PRODUCT Precision Bearing Thin Section Bearings KG180CP0 KAYDON Bearing


KG180CP0 KAYDON Bearing
KG180CP0 KAYDON Bearing KG180CP0 KAYDON Bearing

KG180CP0 KAYDON Bearing

Product ID : KG180CP0
Product Attributes :

KG180CP0 Bearing
Dimensions: 457.2x508x25.4mm
Weight: 6.21KG
Datasheets and drawings can be offered.
They are stock available for fast delivery.
If you want to know more about KG180CP0 bearing, email: alita@bearing-sun.com

Product Description

Thin-walled bearings have high rotational accuracy, are very quiet, and have a high load-carrying capacity. The equal-section thin-wall bearing has the incomparable advantages of thin wall, lightweight, strong bearing capacity, and high precision.


Data sheet and drawing for KG180CP0 Bearing:


KG180CP0 drawing



Thin section bearing



Inside diameter (d)

18 inch

Outer diameter (D)

20 inch

Width (B)

1 inch

Ring/ball material

52100 chrome steel

Cage material


Temperature range

-30° to 110 ℃


6.21 kg


Application for thin section bearings:


They are widely used in machine tools, medical equipment, optical scanning equipment, tire manufacturing equipment, radar/satellite and communication equipment, robotics, textile machinery, pipe cutting machines, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, sorting equipment, etc.


Picture of KG180CP0 bearing:

KG180CP0 picture

Below are some similar part numbers for your reference.



KAA010 KB047 KC110 KF042 KG070
KAA015 KB050 KC120 KF045 KG075
KAA017 KB055 KC140 KF047 KG080
KA020 KB060 KC160 KF050 KG090
KA025 KB065 KC180 KF055 KG100
KA030 KB070 KC200 KF060 KG110
KA035 KB075 KC250 KF065 KG120
KA040 KB080 KC300 KF070 KG140
KA042 KB090 KD040 KF075 KG160
KA045 KB100 KD042 KF080 KG180
KA047 KB110 KD045 KF090 KG200
KA050 KB120 KD047 KF100 KG250
KA055 KB130 KD050 KF110 KG300
KA060 KB140 KD055 KF120 KG350
KA065 KB160 KD060 KF140 KG400
KA070 KB180 KD065 KF160 JU040
KA075 KB200 KD070 KF180 JU042
KA080 KC040 KD075 KF200 JU045
KA090 KC042 KD080 KF250 JU047
KA100 KC045 KD090 KF300 JU050
KA110 KC047 KD100 KF350 JU055
KA120 KC050 KD110 KF400 JU060
KA140 KC055 KD120 KG040 JU065
KB020 KC060 KD140 KG042 JU070
KB025 KC065 KD160 KG045 JU075
KB030 KC070 KD180 KG047 JU080
KB035 KC075 KD200 KG050 JU090
KB040 KC080 KD250 KG055 JU100
KB042 KC090 KD300 KG060 JU110
KB045 KC100 KF040 KG065 JU120


If you want to know other part numbers, please send us an inquiry below or send us a WhatsApp message.

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