HOME NEWS INDUSTRY NEWS Two National Names Cooperate With R & D Heavy -duty Equipment For Large -scale Bearing


Two National Names Cooperate With R & D Heavy -duty Equipment For Large -scale Bearing

On the 13th, the National Key Laboratory of Aviation Precision Bearing and the National Key Laboratory of Mining Heavy Equipment was held. The two sides will jointly develop joint research and development around the large-scale abrasive bearings to achieve independent replacement of more key basic parts and accelerate national equipment manufacturing High -quality development.

The heavy-duty equipment represented by a large mining grinding machine, etc., is a representative product of "Made in Luoyang". The large mineral grinding machine designed and produced by CITIC Heavy Industry has been awarded the "China Famous Brand Products". The low-speed heavy load of large-scale bearing for its applications has not been fully realized.


Through this "strong and strong joining", the two national key laboratories will give full play to the advantages of the national science and technology innovation platform. Through strengthening technology research, upgrading the industrial chain collaborative cooperation, and jointly breaking through the mining heavy equipment for heavy bearing "card neck" technology, Realize the independent and controllable core technologies, break the monopoly of the imported bearing market, promote independent innovation of mining -type equipment bearing, and build a new mining heavy -type equipment quality evaluation system.


"This is the spirit of the important speech of the General Secretary, insist on the four aspects of 'aspects', and strive to achieve independent controlling specific measures in key areas and key links, and strive to make new and major contributions to the high -quality development of the country's equipment manufacturing industry. At the same time, it also laid the foundation for further deepening strategic cooperation between the two parties. "Said Qu Tie, deputy general manager of CITIC Heavy Industries and director of the National Key Laboratory of Mining Heavy Equipment, said.


The National Key Laboratory of National Key Laboratory and Mining Equipment of Aviation Precision Bearing is a national key laboratory that relies on the construction of the Luo Shaft and CITIC Heavy Industry.


The former face the current and future development of my country's aviation industry and bearing industries and has achieved important innovation results in high-end precision bearing design theory, manufacturing process, and experimental technology. Monopoly, key technologies for large-scale mineral milling equipment are included in the national key basic research and development plan.


We can supply many large bearings used in mining. Below is the list of some part numbers. If you are interested, please send us an inquiry.

240/950 241/750 230/560 24088 22272
241/950 240/750 241/560 23292 23272
249/950 232/750 231/600 23192 23972
230/950 249/750 241/600 23992 23172
239/950 238/750 240/600 23092 24072
249/1000 231/750 230/600 24092 24172
231/1000 230/750 239/600 24892 23072
240/1000 239/750 232/600 24196 23976
241/1000 239/800 230/630 23096 23176
230/1000 241/800 241/630 23996 23076
238/1000 239/800 239/630 24096 24176
239/1060 230/800 238/630 23196 23276
240/1060 240/800 240/630 23296 24076
238/1060 232/800 231/630 239/500 24180
248/1060 248/800 230/670 230/500 23980
249/1060 249/800 232/670 231/500 23080
230/1060 231/800 239/670 232/500 24080
248/1120 249/850 240/670 240/500 23280
249/1120 239/850 231/670 241/500 23180
240/1120 240/850 241/670 231/530 22380
249/1180 231/850 238/670 241/530 23284
248/1180 238/850 248/670 239/530 23984
238/1180 232/850 249/710 240/530 23084
239/1180 230/850 232/710 248/530 24184
240/1180 241/850 230/710 232/530 24084
230/1250 230/900 231/710 230/530 23184
249/1320 241/900 240/710 240/560 23988
248/1320 248/900 241/710 232/560 24188
248/1500 240/900 238/710 231/560 23188
248/1800 239/900 239/710 239/560 23088