British Cooper bearings, cooper separation bearings, Cooper rollers, Cooper keeping frames, and Cooper sectional bearings have been applied to most industrial fields in various places. Companies in more than forty regions are willing to use COOPER-produced split bearings, and the reliability of the Cooper bearings ensures efficient operation in some harsh industrial environments. The application of the COOPER section bearing in the area where the space is difficult to overwhelm is the main feature of the Cooper bearings.
Maritime homework: From ultra-large oil tankers to sea speedboats, the Cooper split bearing plays an important role in major marine routes. For some stop work, it means that for the industry that misses the timing and the loss of goods, its practicality, adaptability, fastness of installation, and maintenance of maintenance within various places all make the COOPER bearing the choice of marine engineers in various places.
Iron and Steel Industry: From the ore transfer station to the main inlet transferor of the winding furnace, the grinding machine from the continuous casting machine, and the Cooper sectional bearing, it has been widely used in almost every stage of steel production. The designers of the device can make a performance design without considering the possibility of bearing installation and replacement.
Mining: COOPER sectional bearing is suitable for underground and ground mining applications within each place, and is especially suitable for extremely difficult maintenance parts. The coordination of the unique roller and the maintenance of the Cooper bearing makes it useful to use the traditional material bearing.
Application on the fan: It is easy to install or even in a narrow area. The COOPER section bearing has supreme technology in the application of gas ventilation equipment.
Cement industry: The cement industry is facing largely, and the harsh conditions of dust are one of harsh industrial environment. It is characteristic of the cooper bearings. Its legendary reliability and confirmed sealing characteristics will reduce the time to stop maintenance and play a key role in improving production efficiency.
Power generation industry: Over the years, the COOPER section bearing has been widely used in the power generation industry. In the industry, the shutdown maintenance, especially a critical link, the Cooper section bearing is suitable for thermal power plants, hydropower plants, and wind turbines.
The quarry industry: For the quarry industry, downtime and maintenance are critical links. Cooper bearing has been widely used in most stone and mining industries.
Tape Belt System: Suitable for closed environments and can be maintained at any time. And the simplicity of maintenance makes the Cooper bearings the choice of the conveyor.
Lasting Bearing Group can supply all types of COOPER bearings. Below are some part numbers for your reference.
100 B 75M | 01 B 135M | 01 B 390M | 02 B 600-160M | 03 B 100M |
100 B 85M | 01 B 140M | 01 B 400M | 02 B 160M | 03 B 110M |
100 B 100M | 01 B 150M | 01 B 420M | 02 B 170M | 03 B 120M |
100 B 110M | 01 B 600-160M | 01 B 440M | 02 B 175M | 03 B 130M |
100 B 115M | 01 EB 160M | 01 B 460M | 02 B 180M | 03 B 140M |
100 B 120M | 01EB608-170M | 01 B 480M | 02 B 190M | 03 B 150M |
100 B 125M | 01EB 170M | 01 B 500M | 02 B 200M | 03 B 160M |
100 B 130M | 01EB 175M | 01 B 530M | 02 B 220M | 03 B 170M |
100 B 140M | 01EB 180M | 01 B 560M | 02 B 230M | 03 B 180M |
100 B 150M | 01EB 190M | 01 B 580M | 02 B 240M | 03 B 190M |
01 B 35M | 01EB 200M | 01 B 600M | 02 B 250M | 03 B 200M |
01 B 40M | 01EB 220M | 02 B 50M | 02 B 260M | 03 B 220M |
01EB 45M | 01EB 230M | 02 B 60M | 02 B 280M | 03 B 240M |
01EB 50M | 01EB 240M | 02 B 65M | 02 B 300M | 03 B 250M |
01EB 55M | 01EB 250M | 02 B 70M | 02 B 320M | 03 B 260M |
01EB 60M | 01EB 1000-260M | 02 B 75M | 02 B 330M | 03 EB 280M |
01EB 65M | 01EB 260M | 02 B 80M | 02 B 340M | 03 B 290M |
01EB 70M | 01EB 270M | 02 B 85M | 02 B 350M | 03 B 300M |
01EB 75M | 01EB 275M | 02 B 90M | 02 B 360M | 03 B 320M |
01EB 80M | 01EB 280M | 02 B 100M | 02 B 380M | 03 EB 340M |
01EB 85M | 01EB 290M | 02 B 105M | 02 B 400M | 03 EB 360M |
01EB 90M | 01EB 300M | 02 B 110M | 02 B 420M | 03 B 380M |
01EB 95M | 01 B 320M | 02 B 115M | 02 B 440M | 03 B 400M |
01EB 100M | 01 B 330M | 02 B 120M | 02 B 460M | 03 EB 420M |
01EB 105M | 01 B 1300-340M | 02 B 125M | 02 B 480M | 03 EB 440M |
01 B 110M | 01 B 340M | 02 B 130M | 02 B 500M | 03 EB 460M |
01 B 115M | 01 B 350M | 02 B 140M | 02 B 530M | 03 B 500M |
01 B 120M | 01 B 1400-360M | 02 B 145M | 02 B 560M | 03 B 530M |
01 B 125M | 01 B 360M | 02 B 150M | 02 B 580M | 03 EB 560M |
01 B 130M | 01 B 380M | 02 B 155M | 02 B 600M | 03 EB 600M |