HOME NEWS INDUSTRY NEWS Schaeffler Signed A Green Wind Power Procurement Agreement To Accelerate Energy Transformation


Schaeffler Signed A Green Wind Power Procurement Agreement To Accelerate Energy Transformation

On February 20, 2023, the largest renewable energy provider of Schaeffler Group and Europe's largest renewable energy provider Statkraft Markets Co., Ltd. reached a long-term green wind power procurement agreement.

Schaeffler uses green energy


According to the agreement, in the five years since 2024, Statkraft Markets, located in Schtaofenberg, Hesson State, Germany, will provide green electricity to Sheffler.


The power generation field was put into use in October 2022, with a total installed capacity of 18 MW. At that time, the green power provided by the power field will meet the 8%power demand of Scholes in Germany.


In September 2022, Schaeffler signed a photovoltaic power procurement agreement with Statkraft Markets Co., Ltd. Since 2023, Statkraft Markets, two photovoltaic power generation parks in Germany, have begun to supply electricity for Schoje to meet Sheffler's 11% power demand in Germany.


In December 2022, the Schaeffler Group acquired Baywa R.E. Group, located in Camelsay, Germany, with a total installed capacity of 9.9 MW (peak).

Focus on renewable energy


For the Schaeffler Group, sustainable development is of great strategic significance and is an important part of the Group's 2025 strategic plan.


The Schaeffler Group plans to achieve a neutralization of the production sector and the entire supply chain in 2040. The green power generated directly from Statkraft Markets is another important supplement to the group's existing sources of renewable energy.


Since 2021, 100% of Schoje's outsourcing electricity in all plants in Europe has been produced in renewable energy. Schiford's outsourcing of electricity in all factories in China also achieved this goal in 2022.


At the end of 2022, the Schaeffler Group's sustainable development strategy was recognized by the International Non-profit Environmental Organization CDP and was selected as the "A -Class" list in the fields of CDP climate change and water security.


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